
    505 POSTS

    Liaquat Ali Khan as Prime Minister

    Liaquat Ali Khan's contributions to the struggle for independence...

    Rule of Congress Ministries

    The Government of India Act of 1935 was practically...

    Government of India Act 1935

    After the failure of the Third Round Table Conference,...

    The Communal Award

    After the failure of the Second Round Table conference,...

    Round Table Conferences

    The Indian political community received the Simon Commission Report...


    Quran and Science

        The only book that is authored by God on...

    Imran Khan

    Khan and his party attracted sizable crowds to rallies...

    Siddhartha Gotma Buddha

    Siddhartha was born around 566 BC in Lumbini garden....

    Ancient Empires of the Sub-Continent

    Some of the earliest relics of Stone Age man...

    Physical Features of Indus Men

    Four types of skeletons are found from archeological remains...

    Story Of Pakistan