February23 , 2025

    Mu’iz-ud-din Mubarik Shah


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    Khizr Khan was succeeded by his son Mu’iz-ud-din Mubarik Shah. He ruled from 1421 to 1434. Unlike his father, he resumed full regal titles and had the khutbah read in his name. His reign had a series of rebellions and heroic effort on the part of the monarch to suppress them. Mubarik Shah proved to be ablest king of the Sayyid dynasty. He asserted his authority more effectively than his father and brought the Punjab and western Uttar Pardesh under effective control.

    The Khokhars were the real cause of trouble in the Punjab though they were often helped by others. Ultimately Mubarik Shah succeeded in defeating the rebels. There were frequent rebellions in Mewat also but Mubarik Shah brought the area under his control. Expeditions were also sent against the rulers of Katehar, Etawa and Gwalior and tribute realized from them. He defeated the army of Kashmir, and was instrumental in the enthronement of Zain-ul-Abideen, the famous king of the Valley. The Sultan fell victim to a conspiracy engineered by his wazir Sarwar-ul-Mulk, originally a convert from Hinduism. He failed to conduct the administration efficiently but Sultan did not like to antagonize him by dismissing him outright. He entrusted to another officer all the matters relating to revenue leaving the wazir in charge of political affairs alone. This made Sarwar furious and he decided to assassinate him. When a Sultan went to newly founded city of Mubarikabad on the bank of the river Jumna, the conspirators seized the opportunity to strike the Sultan as he was entering the mosque for Friday prayer. Two accomplices of the wazir, Sidh Pal and Ranu, who had enjoyed royal favors for a long time, murdered the Sultan in ghastly manner on 19 February 1434.

    This article was last updated on Monday, Jan 03, 2005

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