March26 , 2025

    Nawab Bahadur Yar Jang


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    Nawab Bahadur Yar Jang was born on February 03, 1905 in a prosperous feudal family. studied Arabic and Persian at home and due to his father’s death in 1923 did not continue his studies after Matriculation.

    Nawab Sahib was a gifted orator. Although the sub-continent produced many other excellent orators but he enjoyed an illustrious and distinguished place among them on account of his exceptional mastery over the art of communication. The exceptional qualities of his oratory earned him the title of “Bahadur Yar Jang” and he was simply remarkable when he made an excellent speech on the life of Hazrat Mohammad (SAW) from the Nizam of Hyderabad.

    In 1927 when the Arya Samajis intensified their crusade in Hyderabad through their Shuddi movement, Nawab Bahadur Yar Jang came forward to establish Majlis-e-Tableeghe-e-Islam to counter effectively the misinformation of the infidels and within 3 years converted 5 thousand non-Muslims to Islam. Another organization by the name of Majlis-e-Ittihad-ul-Muslimeen was set up to unite the voice of the co-religionist against the violent Hindus of Hyderabad Deccan. The organization had 384 branches in the four provinces and sixteen districts of the Deccan state and gained soaring popularity due to his tireless efforts.

    The two leading political parties of the sub-continent Congress and Muslim League in the beginning confined their activities to the British India. But later when the Congress stretched its activities also in the princely states of India and formed the All-India States Peoples Conference, Nawab Bahadur Yar Jang decided to unite the Muslims of the states on one platform. He established All-India States Muslim League, which had its headquarter at Nagpur.

    Nawab Sahib devoted all his energies for fulfilling his cherished dream of Pakistan, which he thought, was the only solution of the Muslim problems in the sub-continent. He had close associations with Jinnah and great respect in his heart for the renowned Muslim poet Dr. Mohammad Iqbal. In spite of being a feudal lord he lived a very simple life.

    He died on June 27, 1944.

    This article was last updated on Monday, Jan 01, 2007


    Story Of Pakistan